The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS), in collaboration with Bright Minds Foundation, are excited to continue the teacher externship initiative for Summer 2023. The Externship Initiative supports the professional growth of Howard County Public School System teachers by providing workplace experience to complement academic knowledge. HCPSS is currently seeking partners to support the teacher externship initiative by hosting and / or sponsoring an extern.
We are seeking externship sites that align with career and technical education cluster areas, including:
Information technology
Manufacturing, engineering and technology
Business management and finance
Consumer services, hospitality and tourism
Construction and development
Arts, media and communication
Environmental, agricultural and natural resources
Health and biosciences
Human resource services
Transportation technologies
”It is important to us as an organization to grow our understanding of the future workforce, and to contribute to making sure students will be able to be successful in meeting workforce needs. By hosting a teacher extern, we are able to gain a better understanding of students that will be coming out of school and how to engage them,” said Anthony Nave of Booz Allen Hamilton, a 2022 extern host.
Teacher externs will work for 150 hours over the Summer of 2023 (approximately 30-40 hours per week over 3-5 weeks). Worksites can provide a variety of work experiences, including virtual, in-person, or a combination of both. The extern sponsorship cost is $7,500 and teacher externs receive the majority of this as a stipend grant through the Bright Minds Foundation, Howard County’s pubic schools education foundation.
The below-linked information is helpful to learn more about the teacher externship:
Teacher Externship One Pager
Teacher Externship Guide
For additional information about this program, please contact Jennifer Van Kirk ( or LaRee Siddiqui (